The Mindfulness for Children course will introduce your students to the practice of Mindfulness using FUN ACTIVITIES and give them an understanding of what Mindfulness means and what it can do. We believe that overtime a student can begin to use these Mindful Skills naturally throughout the day, without having to think about doing it too much. This will allow them to be in the present more often, which will give them MORE POSITIVE INTERACTIONS WITH THE WORLD, and allow them to enjoy those wonderful little moments, they sometimes miss.
Mindfulness for Children is a FUN WAY to help students improve their Social and Emotional Learning. The course can be taught to ANY AGE GROUP. There is scientific evidence to suggest that it can help change our neural pathways in very positive ways. This course aims to give a learner a CLEAR, EXCITING AND RELAXED introduction to Mindfulness. A student who is aware of their mind and their body will find it easier to respond to any given set of circumstances, on any given day. THE BENEFITS COVER THE WHOLE SCHOOL CURRICULUM.
The Online Mindfulness for Children is a 30 Hour or 9 Module Course. All the Modules follow the same structure and have been designed to be taught as one 90 minute or two 45 minute lessons. Alternatively, a teacher can take parts of the lesson and adapt the material.
In this Section your Students look at how Mindfulness can affect the brain and body using FUN WAYS to learn about Neuroscience.
Each week we have included some FANTASTIC VIDEO ANIMATIONS to help you understand how the brain and the body work.
Each Lesson you teach will include ways to ENGAGE, PRESENT, PRACTICE AND REFLECT using excellent activities and resources.
All the activities in the course are FUN. TRY SOME MINDFUL EATING OR LISTENING OR WALKING. Your students will be engaged and having fun. They will learn more.
All of the Modules contain activities that have been SPECIALLY DESIGNED to be used in ESL LESSONS.