The Online Mindfulness Course has been designed to last for 9 weeks but we recommend that you continue with your daily meditation after you have completed the course. Our hope is that you will BRING MINDFULNESS INTO YOUR DAILY LIFE more and more after you have completed the course.
The more practice you do the more Mindful you will become. The Practice Section of the course has a regular and an informal practice. Use our SITTING, BODY SCAN and YOGA MEDITATIONS as well as some MINDFUL COOKING, EATING, WALKING, AND MANY MORE TO USE EVERYDAY.
In this Section you will learn about how Mindfulness Practice can affect the brain and body, by looking at the NEUROSCIENCE behind Mindfulness. We will explain how Mindfulness can change the NEUROPLASTICITY or GREY MATTER of the brain.
Each week we have included some FANTASTIC VIDEO ANIMATIONS to help you understand how the brain and the body work.
The practice part of the course will involve a daily regular meditation practice and some informal meditation practices, to help you bring Mindfulness into your daily life.
The regular practice includes a Sitting, Body Scan and Yoga Meditation. The informal practice includes Mindful Eating, Cooking and Mindful Music and many more. TRY ONE.
The reflection part of the course has been designed to get you into the habit of writing down what kind of thoughts and feelings came up for you on a particular day. By building up a record, of "what happened”, will help you to find better ways to cope with unmindful events. You will write a daily journal for each week of the course.
We have included some GREAT INFORMATION ON MINDFULNESS for you to read and help you gain more knowledge.