Why take a TEFL Course
We think it’s an excellent way to discover your planet and continue learning about culture, countries, food and people. It’s a way to find out more about yourself as well. It’s also a way to increase EQ (Emotional Intelligence) through perspective taking and awareness. These are all excellent skills to have and they will make you a more informed person. We get asked “Why take a TEFL Course? ” all the time and this is what we tell people. “You will be a wiser and more informed person after living abroad for a year or two and you’ll also have great fun and meet new people.”
We’re offering you a great price to get qualified because we know what it’s like starting something new for the first time. You can use the money you saved, taking our course, and put it towards your travelling budget or your first month in your new job.
Once you have completed your TEFL Course you’ll be qualified for life. This is something that you will have for life and nobody can take away education. Enjoy TEFL can help you find a job and we promise you that when you step off the plane and arrive in a new country for the first time your adventure and experience will begin. You will suddenly be immersed in a new culture and see new things.
Why take a TEFL Course
Here’s 5 reasons:
1. Innovate, inspire and teach
2. Look at things form a new perspective
3. New Food, culture and people
4. Infinite number of travel possibilities
5. Lifelong Learning
Taking a TEFL Course will let you to do all these things and have a lot of fun along the way. Just remember you have a choice and there are many different possibilities out there waiting for you. Choice is life! Enjoy TEFL http://bit.ly/1i61cPI